Join Our Fast/Prayer Event on Wednesdays

We don’t have to look very far to see how far the younger generations have strayed from the Christian faith.  I would bet any amount of money that most of you know parents who are heart broken over the state of their relationships with their children or various bondages their children or grandchildren are battling.  They feel utterly hopeless with no relief in sight.

I have been working with hurting parents for decades and seeking God’s face and intervention.  Holy Spirit has led me to start this prayer/fasting event on Wednesdays.  You can join us any time and we encourage you to go for 40 weeks and watch God supernaturally move in your children or grandchildren’s lives.  He knows you are battle weary and that many of you have been seeking His intervention and healing to your family situations for weeks, months, years, some decades.  The time is now to  join together in one accord and one heart and repent for the sins of our nation and the sins in our own families.  He has promised to show Himself mighty on your behalf.

Join us every Wednesday from 12:30-1:30pm US Central Time  Leave your prayer requests, encouraging words for one another and be sure to post testimonies because I promise you that if you have not yet seen victory in your situation then your story isn’t over because He always wins.

If you are someone you know is in need of prophetic inner healing or family intervention services, please call nationally or internationally for a free video consultation.  409- 934-6196

I will be live in our Facebook Group: and also on our YouTube Channel:   

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