20 Biblical Ways to Improve Every Relationship

1. Send Someone A Signal That They Matter.

Everyone needs reassurance of their worth. Each person you meet has encountered waves of criticism, condemnation and inferiority…you can change this. (Isaiah 50:4).

2. Abandon Abusive Friendships.

There are four kinds of people in your life. Those who add, subtract, divide and multiply. Those who do not increase you will inevitably decrease you. (Proverbs 22:24-25).

3. Compliment Someone Today.

Your words of kindness today could easily create the wave that carries someone to their dream (Proverbs 18:21).

4. Confide in few people.

Confidentiality is a gift to be shared in the privacy of prayer or with an intercessor. We are called to love everyone but trust must be earned. Many today are hurting so much that they share with the wrong type of people which leads to further pain through mistrust and betrayal and gossip. (Proverbs 25:9-10).

5. Celebrate the Opinion of Others:

The gift of recognition is your greatest gift to another. (Philippians 2:3).

6. Quench the Urge to Judge.

You cannot draw conclusions as long as there is evidence missing information. Nothing is ever as bad as it first appears. Pray for discernment and reserve judgment (Romans 2:1) PS: We are called to love EVERYONE but God also tells us that a tree is known by it’s fruit. If someone doesn’t display Godly character or fruit in their life, we are called to love and pray for them but discerning the people we let close to us is vitally important.

7. Make Your Smile Your Style.

Your face telegraphs your attitude. Your countenance creates a climate that attracts people toward you or causes them to move away from you. (Ecclesiastes 8:1)

8. Develop the Gift of Romance.

Romance is when you deliberately create a special moment or memorable in someone’s life. Schedule unique moments to express your love. (Ephesians 5:31)

9. Learn Something “New” About Someone You Care About.

Information breeds confidence. the more knowledge you become about someone, the more capable you become at meeting their needs. (1 Thes. 3:12).

10. Interview Your Children:

Your child is worth knowing. REALLY KNOWING. Talk, exchange, observe, communicate with your children with the intention to learn more about them, not to condemn. (Psalm 127:3-5)

11. Generate Energy.

The Holy Spirit created…moved…spoke. (Genesis 1) You are His offspring created for movement and to make a living currant (like a river) carrying others into your future. (Acts 17:28).

12. Interrogate Your Friends.

Everyone is a well of information. Draw from it. Learn from others. Don’t ever stop being a student or a servant. There are treasure hidden in each member of the Body of Christ.

13. Furnish Gentleness.

Gentleness is like heat in a cold world. Pour the oil of gentleness and you will become their greatest memory of the day. (2 Timothy 2:24).

14. Sow Affection Generously.

Tests reveal that even babies will die if they do not receive touching and loving affection. You and those around you are no exception. Reach out to someone today and give them a hug.

15. Insist of Integrity.

Integrity is truthfulness. It is doing what you say you will do. Demand it from yourself and reward it in others. (Romans 12:10).

16. Reprove with Sensitivity

Criticism hurts. Yet, it is your personal responsibility to provide correction and warning to a loved one making mistakes. (Proverbs 13:18)

17. Celebrate Those Who Celebrate You:

Those who discern your worth deserve special recognition. (Matthew 10:11-13)

18. Talk It Out.

Love dies through neglect. Voice your concerns over offenses. Dialogue creates change. (Matthew 18:5)
Important Note: Men and women listen and communicate in completely different ways. They also process information differently.  Learning how to master conversation without offending one another along with learning to fight fairly is an important set of skills that can be learned.
We often communicate and have expectations based on how we were raise and saw our parents and others communicate and work out differences. Just because certain modes of communication are familiar to you don’t necessarily mean they don’t need to be examined in the light of Scripture. The most important investment you will ever make in my professional and personally opinion is to renew your mind with good teachings and biblically sound books and secondly…investing in a faith based counselor to help you evaluate your behavior, your relationships, and you’re ability to walk in victory in God’s Word. Failure to examine any of these areas in light of God’s Word…will cause much unnecessary pain. If you find yourself attracting the same type of unhealthy people, having the same type of arguments, etc…please reach out. It is truly our heart’s mission to equip you and encourage you in every area of your life. There is nothing wrong will needing help sometimes. Pride often prevents us from reaching out to those who can benefit us most. To contact Dr. Baldwin see information at the end of this blog.

19. Resurrect Hope In Someone Today:

Hope is the expectation of favorable changes. Do not permit someone you love to remain depressed and devastated by their present circumstances. Remind them that Jesus is still in the healing and miracle business in every circumstance in life. (1 Peter 3:15).
Warning: if someone has a need that you are able to help with…don’t hesitate. The early church in the Book of Acts made sure no one went without their needs met and they sacrificed for one another. They also met regularly and shared their faith with one another, encouraged one another, took communion regularly…could you imagine what a revival would take place if every believer just made the decision to walk in love with one another that way. The reason so many are falling away from the Christian faith is a multifaceted issue but one simple reason in my humble opinion…too many believers talk the talk but don’t walk the walk and sadly other religions show more charity to one another and more self-discipline. If you call yourself a believer, then you are God’s agent of change here, at home, at work, in your church and community. You are not waiting on God…I promise you, He is waiting on You.

20. Skip Warfare Today:

Make today a peaceable day. Insist on pray with or for those who pursue points of disagreement. God honors peacemakers. (Romans 12:18) NOT ONLY DOES GOD HONOR PEACEMAKERS, IN EPHESIANS 2:14 HE TELLS US HE IS OUR PEACE.
I pray this blog has blessed you. I always welcome your comments, additional ideas and thoughts and be sure to dialogue with one another. We offer free consultations for all types of relationship coaching and discipleship. Feel free to contact Dr. Baldwin at 417-731-8354 or fill out our contact form.  Additionally, if our content blesses you, consider partnering with us to reach those who are struggling and have no ability to afford services.  

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