Have You Had Your Spiritual Breakfast

I can remember every morning, my mother – a teacher, stressed how important breakfast was. Even though I often wasn’t hungry, she said it didn’t matter. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day. Even research tells us that that breakfast is the most important meal of the day giving us our fuel to face the day. Well, what about our spiritual fuel, energy, peace, and strength for the day? As I woke up this morning to my Bible App reading to me…I realized how important starting my day with Jesus is.
When I first became a Christian many years ago, I believed that the more time I read my Bible, prayed, and worshiped, directly corresponded to how spiritual I was that day. I had a routine with the Lord. I could go as far to say that I followed my routine religiously. It not only made me feel good; it made me feel good about myself. I got so caught up in my early years of juggling single parenting, school, work, etc.; that I got so caught up in my routine with God that I even feared that something would go wrong or that perhaps He would even punish me if I didn’t spend a certain amount of time reading, studying and praying. Jesus quickly showed me how I was totally missing it. I was trying to live not only according to God’s law, but my own made up rules (laws) which is no different than religion. Not only was I trying to live up to the “law” without realizing it, I had additional rules I added myself. Overtime, thankfully, Jesus revealed to me that although He didn’t come to abolish the law; but, to fulfill it, that by not walking in His Grace, I was totally exhausted and worn out trying to be a good Christian. He gently revealed to me that not only was I totally missing the point of spending time with Him; but, my “religious routine” was even insulting.
What is religion? Religion is man’s way to get to God. Jesus came, suffered, died, and overcame death so that we could once again have a personal relationship with God.  He left the Glory of Heaven and literally walked in our shoes, carried our sin and disease so we wouldn’t have too.  Meditating on His great love for us and sacrifice never stops aweing me. 
 Hebrews tells me that I can boldly approach God’s throne of Grace. Matthew 6:25 tells me that if seek first His righteousness, there isn’t a thing I have to worry about. Phil 4: 13 Tells me that I can do ALL things through Christ. John 14:13 tells me whatever I ask in His name, He will do so that God will be glorified. So although spending time with my Heavenly Father first thing in the morning isn’t required of me, I would be foolish to start my day without filling up my spiritual tank.
 Some days that takes a lot longer than others. I often have worries or fears going on that I need to talk to Him about and surrender to Him. Some days, I worry about my children so much that if I don’t sit in His presence, give it over and remind myself that He loves them even more than I do, it will affect everything I do during the day. There is nothing I can do that will please God except have faith in Him. (that’s in Hebrews) Faith is a lot like trust.
The more time I spend with a friend, the more I trust them. I can’t trust someone I don’t know and that’s why Jesus died. Jesus died so that I can have an intimate relationship with my Creator, who loves me not because I deserve it but because He chooses to. God already knows every detail of my life; every minute of my day; every situation that I will encounter.
Despite the fact that I believe in Him and am saved by His Grace, I can’t have faith (or trust) in someone, even God, if I don’t know Him. The more I know Him, the more I can have faith in His promises, His faithfulness, His love, His healing, His awesome plan for my future. The more time I spend with Him, the more I fill myself up with His Holy Spirit who guides me in all truth and strengthens me in my weakness. I don’t have to start my day with Jesus; but experience has taught me that facing my day without filling up on Him and listening for His direction makes every detail of my day harder.  
I wouldn’t think of driving to work without gas; yet how many times do we have such a busy day that we don’t take time to fill up and “eat” our spiritual breakfast. Now that doesn’t guarantee that everything will go my way or that I won’t face difficulties, trials, and even persecutions…but it does guarantee that I will have the strength I need to face them. Not only will I be able to face them, God reminds me that He is with me and in His time I will even overcome them victoriously. 
Some days, that might just mean sitting before Him and telling Him what a mess I am and how much I need Him. Especially being in the helping field, how can I be there for others if my tank isn’t full? Actually, whether you are a parent, a student, a business owner, or even unemployed right now; how can you be there for others or even be your best without filling your tank?
The Word says that His mercies are new each morning. I know that no matter what I face today, I want to be prepared to face it with the joy and peace of the Lord to the best of my ability. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t even want to try it on my own. Do I fail? Yes, often miserably. But my Heavenly Father is always there waiting for me to give me whatever I need. Starting my day with Him reminds me that He is greater than anything I could ever face. 
Whatever you are facing today, I encourage you not to skip your spiritual breakfast time. I am not saying we can’t spend time with Lord at any time; however, there is nothing like filling up your spiritual tank first thing in the morning. 
Looking forward to hearing your comments and interacting with you, so please take the time to say hello. God bless all of you and have a great day!

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